LOC Family Services

LOC Family Services


LOC (Life After Incarceration) Family Services is a community-based organization that helps individuals released from incarceration. Through case management, clinical therapy, and peer groups, they help individuals become not only productive citizens but also reestablished members of value in their families. The service areas include Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Charlotte Courthouse, Cumberland, Dillwyn, Lunenburg, Nottoway, and Prince Edward. LOC Family Services focuses on medium to high-risk men, women, and children. They provide employment services, educational assistance, family support services, clothing, food, travel and emergency housing assistance, faith-based services, mental health and financial assistance to justice-impacted people and their families. LOC Family Services is solution-focused and seek to reduce recidivism, help to mend broken families, increase safer communities and help individuals released from incarceration develop core skills through case management, clinical therapy, and peer sponsorship to become not only productive citizens in their communities but to also become reestablished members of value in their families. For more information on LOC Family services, please contact them using the information provided here.

Contact Information

3875 S. James Madison Hwy​ Farmville, Virginia 23901

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