Georgia Appleseed
Georgia Appleseed advances justice and equity for all Georgia's children, focusing on Black and Brown children, children experiencing poverty, LGBTQ+ children, children with disabilities, and children in foster care. Justice requires that every child access strong, nurturing schools and a healthy home. Their mission is to increase justice in Georgia through the law, policy reform, and community engagement. Georgia Appleseed's core values include nonpartisan engagement, collaborations to achieve justice, listening to those most impacted, balanced and objective research, data-driven, pragmatic solutions, courage to tackle the hard issues, and the power of pro bono. Their current priorities are to: keep kids in school and out of the criminal justice system, promote support for students with behavior and learning challenges and ensure children and their families have safe and healthy housing. They achieve this with the help of some of their tactics, which include research projects that leverage thousands of pro bono attorney hours to tackle complex issues, the development of self-advocacy tools for parents and caregivers, supporting local and state leaders' efforts to adopt meaningful policy changes, and legislative advocacy. If you require further information, kindly contact Georgia Appleseed.