HealthRIGHT 360
Health Right 360 believes that all individuals should have access to medical and mental healthcare, recovery services and reentry support. The organization is dedicated to assisting individuals in need regardless of their economic situation or social status. They pursue their mission through a variety of programs. Asian American Recovery Services, for example, supports members of the Asian American community with chemical dependence issues. The organization maintains recovery homes for women as well. Health Right 360 partners with local correctional facilities to support incarcerated women and young people in the Solano County Juvenile Detention Facility. They also work with outpatients assigned to recovery centers by the court. The Resource Center fills gaps in education and assists individuals with underlying issues that contribute to homelessness and incarceration. The San Mateo MAT Clinic focuses on the medical and mental health issues associated with chemical dependence. For more information, contact Health Right 360 directly.