Hollywood Long Term Offender Reentry Recovery (LTORR)
Behavioral Systems Southwest, Inc. operates a number of programs to assist justice involved individuals across the southwest United States. The Hollywood Long Term Offender Reentry Recovery Center, located in Los Angeles, California, is one of several reentry centers available to individuals exiting corrections facilities in California. Reentry Centers with Behavioral Systems Southwest, Inc. are contracted with the Federal Bureau of Prisons to serve individuals released from federal institutions. Each center utilizes a social service model developed through researched based curricula to meet the needs of each participant. Staff and volunteers assist formerly incarcerated individuals prepare for and obtain employment, which may include educational courses or literacy training. Reentry Centers also offer recovery services, life skills training, anger and stress management workshops, and access to safe, stable housing. Residents typically remain at the reentry center for 4-6 months, though this varies depending on individual needs. For more information, contact Behavioral Systems Southwest, Inc. or the Hollywood Long Term Offender Reentry Recovery Center directly.