


Crossroads, Inc. is a nonprofit organization committed to assisting formerly incarcerated women who face barriers to independent living. Their mission is to offer housing, education, support, counseling and job readiness services to justice involved women in an effort to disrupt the cycle of recidivism. The residential program is available to formerly incarcerated women and offers a six month stay in one of their communities. Staff and volunteers understand that food and shelter is not enough for women in recovery and women returning to the community, however, so all residents participant in evidence based curriculum, receive individual case management and live among supportive peers. The program is licensed by the California Department of Healthcare Services and is able to house up to twelve women across two homes. Crossroads, Inc. also offers a transitional housing program for women who have completed the residential program. This allows another six months of residential services and support for participant.

Contact Information

250 W 1st St #254 Claremont, California 91711

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