Behavioral Systems Southwest Inc.’s Tucson Residential Re-entry Center
Behavioral Systems Southwest Inc.'s Tucson Residential Re-entry Center is a 72-bed residential re-entry center and TDAT Program contracted through the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Residential Re-entry Centers (RRCs) are housing units for recently released justice-impacted people that use evidence-based curricula so that the particular needs of the ex-offender population can be met. Although employment is essential to life after prison, some ex-offenders who have literacy issues cannot compete in the job market. As a result, the RRC is designed to allow certain residents to work on literacy, formal education, vocational education, life skills training, anger management, stress management, and employability training. Participation in the RRC program averages from 4-6 months and includes a home detention component. Eligible program participants can go on home detention toward the end of their commitment, provided there is a stable and approved home location. The Bureau of Prisons requires that each employed participant help offset the cost of their incarceration by paying up to 25% of their gross income to the RRC. For more information on the services provided by Behavioral Systems Southwest Inc.'s Tucson Residential Re-entry Center, please contact them directly.