New Life Reentry Program
New Life Reentry Program offers a caring, stable environment to support, guide, instruct, and empower women without homes to develop mindsets that will assist them in becoming successful in their individual lives and on the job–spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. They are more than just a shelter, but also an opportunity to help individuals face life. The organization is currently in transition to a larger house that requires significant repairs. The program has a goal to be larger and better. In the interim, staff are working with women on a “non-resident” basis only. New Life Reentry Program provides safe haven through transitional group housing for women. Their home provides a safe place for up to 6 women at a time. They also offer women the chance to learn Braille Transcription. Scholarships are being developed to help women go through this training so that they can achieve a career paying higher minimum wage.