Growing Discoveries Outreach Ministries

Growing Discoveries Outreach Ministries


Growing Discoveries Outreach Ministry is an expansive organization with international reach, establishing supportive housing and services wherever needed. One of their programs, New Direction, is a faith based supportive and therapeutic structured housing program that functions as an outreach program of Growing Discoveries Outreach Ministry. New Direction helps men and women who are returning to the community from rehab, jail, accountability court programs, prison, shelters, and homelessness who would benefit from recovery services targeting addiction, incarceration, domestic violence, divorce or other traumatic life experiences. New Directions is a one-year faith-based program offering support and mentorship in areas such as mental health awareness, substance abuse and relapse prevention, therapeutic intervention, spiritual growth, employment and educational development and financial stability through a supportive network of guidance, instruction and accountability. For more information about specific services offered by Growing Discoveries Outreach Ministry, individuals should contact the organization directly using the information provided on this page.

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