Just Dane
Just Dane is a private, non-profit agency that offers various direct service programs for individuals and families involved in the criminal justice system. They offer prison reentry programs and services for children who have an incarcerated parent, community events designed to help people understand what it’s like to walk in the shoes of someone newly released from prison, and jail and prison in-reach programs. Their Just Bakery is a 12-week educational and vocational training program. The program works with individuals experiencing significant barriers to employment (homelessness, criminal conviction history, lack of education, and a lack of work history or skills) and are learning. Just Dane also offers Youth Programs such as Mentoring Connections, Family Connections and Reading Connections. In addition, their Journey Home works to reduce recidivism by creating a stronger, safer community for those returning. It focuses on the areas of residency, employment, support and treatment, transportation, and education. To know more about Just Dane and their services, please get in touch with them directly.