Arrest and Jail Alternatives (AJA) Program
Arrest and Jail Alternatives (AJA) is a community support program provided by Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services of the Catholic Church in Western Washington. In an effort to reduce recidivism, these organizations work collaboratively to offer the AJA program to the residents of Olympia county. Certified Peer Counselors help struggling people with homelessness, addiction, disability, and criminal justice involvement. AJA utilizes a trauma-responsive and client-directed model based on harm reduction principles and seeks to improve access to services such as housing and non-emergency treatment for mental health and substance use disorders. Program services include intensive case management, peer navigation, crisis management, life skills training, supplies, social support, housing assistance, primary and emergency medical care, public defense, transportation, street outreach and other supportive services in collaboration with other CCS programs and external partners. Contact Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services directly for answers to any questions and more information on their programs.