Michigan Works! Southwest! Prisoner ReEntry

Michigan Works! Southwest! Prisoner ReEntry


Prisoner Re-entry is a division of Michigan Works Southwest dedicated to offering vocational services to justice involved individuals. The mission of the program is to lower crime rates by implementing a comprehensive plan of services and supervision designed in collaboration with each returning citizen. These services are provided through state and local collaboration, and begin at the time of their entry into a correctional facility. Services continue from initial incarceration through their transition back into the community, during reintegration, and as aftercare in the community. The expressed goals of Prisoner Re-entry are: 1) ensure public safety by lessening the threat of harm to individuals and their property by justice involved individuals living in the communities to which they return, 2) increase the rate of successful reintegration for individuals who transition from correctional facilities by ensuring effective risk management and treatment services, personal accountability, and active participation from community members and victims.

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