New Beginnings Women’s Resource Center

New Beginnings Women’s Resource Center


New Beginnings Women's Resource Center exists to provide targeted support for incarcerated women in Kent County, Muskegon, and Ottawa County jails. The goal is to offer ongoing and specialized services from pre-release until women are released, focusing on developing the mindsets, habits and skills that will facilitate permanent reintegration. These programs center concrete vocational skills, conflict resolution strategies, treatment for substance abuse and mental health disorders, and more. Services fall into one of six categories: individualized or group therapy sessions, job placement viability, vocational plans, case management services, life skills development, and referral services. All women reentering communities in Kent, Muskegon or Ottawa counties are eligible for support services during pre-release. The hope of New Beginnings Women's Resource Center is to disrupt the cycle of incarceration for justice involved women and help them to address the underlying factors that contribute to reincarceration. For more information about specific services, contact the organization directly.

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