Magnificat Houses

Magnificat Houses


Magnificat Houses is a faith-based, nonprofit organization providing basic services such as food, clothing, shelter, mental health support and spiritual guidance to men and women. Located in Midtown Houston, Magnificat Houses provides neighborhood residences for men and women, and a clubhouse for members with persistent mental illnesses. They also have a Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen, skills-building training at Moran Center, Anawim Thrift Store, Myriam’s Hostel, an emergency shelter for women experiencing homelessness and a six-acre farm. Through transformational residential programs, Magnificat helps those struggling with poverty, chronic homelessness, addictions, reentry after incarceration and mental illness. Homes for formerly incarcerated people offer a guided path back into society with varied 30 to 90-day programs for men or women in regular residency. In addition, some permanent Single Room Occupancy (SRO) housing is available. The residents are also given clothing suitable for work and play, on-campus jobs, skills training, GED coaching, job search assistance, health assessment, bus pass and rehabilitation support.

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