The Headrest is a nonprofit organization that provides effective programs and treatments to persons experiencing substance use disorder, in crisis or in need of support. It also assists its clients' family members, friends, neighbors, and employers. The Headrest vision is of a world in which there is no shame in asking for help. The organization provides two outpatient treatment and counseling programs for persons suffering from substance use issues, including intense outpatient counseling. In addition, the group provides a secure and sober atmosphere for persons returning to the community after completing substance abuse treatment. Additionally, the Headrest Opportunities for Work (H.O.W.) program establishes to assist its clients in obtaining career-ladder employment as a foundation for a full recovery. The organization also provides a 24/7 Crisis-Suicide Hotline for those in crisis or who need support. Callers are given telephone support and guided to explore options that allow them to consider their future steps.