University of Nebraska TRAC Program

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University of Nebraska TRAC Program

Transforming, Renewing, Achieving, and Connecting (TRAC) is an educational program for currently incarcerated individuals. The goal is to help facilitate access to higher education even as individuals serve out the remainder of their sentence behind bars. Currently, the program is only equipped to serve those housed at Omaha Correctional Center. Formerly incarcerated individuals will also find a support network on the University of Nebraska Omaha campus through a student organization lead by justice impacted students. The university also facilitates a community symposium in order to end the stigmas associated with incarceration and open community members' eyes to the need for support services so that justice involved individuals can reenter the community without posing a threat. All classes offered through the TRAC program are donor funded, so eligible students are not responsible for tuition payments during the program. For more information about specific services or coursework, contact University of Nebraska Omaha directly.

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