Bronx Connect

Bronx Connect


BronxConnect is a community and faith-based organization that offers support services to justice involved individuals in NYC. The organization offers alternatives to incarceration, access to higher education; reentry and workforce development; works on violence prevention and advocates for youth in the justice system. BronxConnect uses asset-based mentoring to connect justice-involved youth and young adults with local community resources to prevent recidivism and achieve youth-initiated goals in education and employment. Expanding access to higher education also removes structural barriers that prevent those with criminal records from participating in higher education, housing, work, and civic life. Through community organizing, advocacy, and the media, their advocacy work focuses on promoting youth led campaigns that aim to change the justice system. BronxConnect provides workforce and reentry case management assistance to individuals who want to be community leaders. Additionally, the organization supports the Beyond the Box Initiative, which helps current and future college students involved in the justice system succeed in the admissions process and beyond.

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