NEW Reentry Council
NEW Reentry Council works to establish communities that provide the resources needed to assist returning individuals in overcoming reentry challenges. Nonprofit groups, community-based service providers, faith-based organizations, and fair-chance employers are some stakeholders represented on the local reentry council. This combination of government and community partners assists the local reentry council to develop a comprehensive approach to reentry issues. The organization's staff also works with local, state, and national organizations to give support and resources to help individuals with criminal histories to become law-abiding citizens and improve public safety. By working together, they will improve communities and achieve the goal of reducing recidivism and victimization. In addition, NEW Reentry Council assists program participants with referrals and comprehensive case management supportive services. The program aims to enroll high-risk and high-need individuals with criminal histories. Individual client needs meet through supportive service assistance, which typically consists of work, transportation, and housing-related help.