Craven-Pamlico Re-Entry Program
The Craven-Pamlico ReEntry Program (CPRP) provides a support network for formerly incarcerated young men and women in Craven and Pamlico counties. The organization assists individuals from the time they leave the prison system till they acquire health care and family stability, re-enter the workforce and become productive citizens. This program helps people who have served their time and paid their debts to find employment, lower crime and recidivism rates, find stable housing, give back to the community, and take care of their families. Additionally, the association will contribute to covering the costs of student expenses like accommodation, transportation, childcare, food, personal hygiene products, administrative charges, vocational/educational training, and textbooks and other materials. The CPRP is also an instrumental partner of the Job Readiness Boot Camp. This two-week program is open to anyone interested in honing job skills, including formerly incarcerated individuals. For more information, contact Craven-Pamlico ReEntry Program directly.