Hand Up Ministry

Hand Up Ministry


Hand Up Ministries is a faith based organization that offers prison aftercare services for men and women who have just been released. The organization offers housing with utilities, transportation, meals, clothing, hygiene products and a structured environment to help these men and women re-adjust to society. In addition, they provide 24/7 addiction recovery & support with weekly group meetings and weekly individual counseling. Classes are offered twice a week to strengthen character development, life skills and others as needed by the individual. Hand Up Ministries was founded in July of 1996. Their work is focused on helping residents find permanent employment and get Social Security and Veterans Benefits. The goal is to assist justice involved individuals in being able to support themselves so that they do not remain without housing. Hand Up Ministries charge a nominal program fee after permanent employment, or other support has been established. Contact Hand Up Ministries directly for more information.

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