Alpha Human Services Residential Treatment Program
The Alpha Human Services Residential Treatment Program is an initiative by Alpha Human Services - a private nonprofit organization licensed and certified by the Minnesota Department of Corrections that works on the treatment of sex offenders. They also provide limited non-offender sexual abuse services. The Residential program is 75 days to an average of 18 months long program for adult male offenders demonstrating sexually problematic or criminal behavior. It provides high levels of structure and supervision within a therapeutic community setting and is licensed and certified by the Minnesota Department of Corrections. The primary objective of the program is to modify deviant criminal and antisocial behavior; i.e., to reduce the likelihood of that behavior recurring. The program offers meaningful interpersonal relationships and family interaction, including appropriate sexual behavior and social skills; appropriate work behavior and responsible self-support skills; and healthy, responsible interactions with the community. The general outcomes of the Residential Program are reduction in serious crime and victimization of innocent people; reduce the probability of sexual misconduct recurring; reduce reliance on public assistance and provide services at a cost to the taxpayers that are less than the cost of incarceration.