Durham Local Reentry Council

Durham Local Reentry Council


The Durham Local Reentry Council (LRC) is an initiative by the government of Durham county. LRC is an organized network of individuals and agencies that provide support and the coordination of services for justice-involved individuals. The Council's mission is to demonstrate a holistic and systematic approach that seeks to reduce the likelihood of additional criminal behavior by providing unwavering community support for justice-involved citizens. The goal of the Local Reentry Council is to connect individuals with services and support to assist them in a successful transition and to build capacity at the local level to reduce recidivism. They provide services to individuals in prison who are within 6 months of release with a Durham home plan; individuals being released from detention facilities; individuals currently on probation, parole and or post-release supervision or any justice-involved individual. The LRC connects formerly incarcerated individuals with services and support including - Employment Assistance / Job Readiness Training; Substance Use Disorder Treatment; Transportation Assistance; Mental Health Referrals; Transitional/ Short-Term Housing Assistance; Other Basic Needs and Child-care Assistance.

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