New Connections

New Connections


New Connections is a charitable nonprofit organization that supports women taking steps toward a successful transition. New Connections aim to advocate and increase community safety, reduce recidivism, and eliminate barriers to success for formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. New Connections' recovery shelter is offered to women experiencing homelessness who have recently been released from correctional facilities in Washington State, including a cottage for those with custody of children. At Irma’s Place women who are recently released from correctional facilities in Washington state are provided with a supportive, clean and sober home. Women are also offered housing, intensive case management, advocacy, and re-entry support for up to three months. New Connections' Annie’s Cottage, is a 2-bedroom home offering shelter for women with custody of minor children, who face obstacles to housing based on a history of criminal convictions. Additionally, New Connections helps residents meet basic needs and access support services such as counseling and job training, as well as reentry, resource coaching, and peer navigator assistance.

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