House Of Destiny Inc
House of Destiny (HOD) Inc. is a prison ministry based out of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Their prison ministries entail a variety of various aspects that are designed to allow the individual to reach heights within themselves that they have only previously dreamed of. The program comes in a three-phase outlet which starts at the Pre-Exit Programming stage; where HOD will go into the institution and begin a 6-week training course that prepares the soon-to-be-released person on job seeking, accountability, spiritual structuring, etc. HOD also works with the individuals on reuniting with their families in every way possible. This is only an overview of the first phase. The second stage of this program is the Community Extension Program that guides the "now" released formerly incarcerated individual into the job market, transitional housing, health matters, parenting, etc. This phase gives the individual a support system, which includes a six-month transitional housing phase, that HOD is seeking funding to operate at this present time. The third phase of this operation is a long-term follow-up stage where our counselors go out and keep track of the progress of these individuals, as well as assisting them in other areas of their shortcomings.