Heart of Clay Correctional Ministry
Heart of Clay Correctional Ministry is operating under the name Clay County Jail Ministry. Their desire is to bring the love of Christ to the incarcerated, their families, the recently released, and those serving in law enforcement in our community. Their beliefs are defined by the Bible, and its teachings shape our Statement of Faith. They visit both the correctional facilities and juvenile center to minister to incarcerated individuals as well as other events and activities to facilitate spiritual and individual growth. Their Crossing Home houses provide a Christian accountability housing program that helps homeless, previously incarcerated people, and/or parolees learn to apply biblical principles as well as practical teachings and life skills training for a successful re-entry into society. They also have multiple transitional houses in Clay County. They also provide re-entry kits for new previously incarcerated people. Re-entry kits usually consist of clothing and personal care items such as shirts, pants, shoes, meal cards (gift certificates from local restaurants and grocers), a Bible, hygiene products, a bus card, and a resource book listing government and not-for-profit organizations that provide assistance for specific needs.Â