Homeboy Industries
Homeboy Industries is a nonprofit agency that provides gang intervention, rehabilitation, and reintegration for justice impacted individuals seeking to transform their lives. Founded in 1988 with a focus on East Los Angeles, Homebody Industries has now grown to be the largest gang rehabilitation and reintegration program in the world. The mission of Homebody Industries is to provide promote healing and growth through hope, training and support needed for participants to become contributing members of society. Wraparound program services include an 18 month employment and reentry program, tattoo removal, substance abuse recovery resources, anger management courses, parenting classes, workforce development, individualized case management, legal resources, and a trauma-informed arts center. Ultimately, Homebody Industries seeks to see participants of their program heal from trauma, allowing them to be fully committed members of their families and communities. Contact Homebody Industries directly for answers to any questions and more information on their gang rehabilitation and reintegration programs.