Bethel Ministries

Bethel Ministries


Bethel Ministries is a faith-based organization focused on providing support for individuals reentering the community after incarceration. Staff and volunteers understand the profound barriers that formerly incarcerated individuals face, both in terms of personal independence and prejudice in the community. Bethel Ministries works hard to ensure that all individuals feel supported during the reentry process. Currently, the organization is only equipped to provide services to men. They work directly with probation and parole officers to ensure that individuals maintain the requirements of their release. Staff also provide a structured living environment and a personal mentor who assists with spiritual guidance and reentry efforts, such as locating educational programs or job development services. All residents dine together each evening and participate in nightly bible studies. Individuals are responsible for monthly fees of $400, which covers all food, housing, classes and support services offered through Bethel Ministries. These living communities are located in strategic areas to ensure that residents do not violate conditions of release or have regular access to children. For more information about eligibility or available services, individuals can contact the program directly or request a referral from their court assigned supervising officer.

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