Chrysalis Women’s Transitional Living
Chrysalis Women's Transitional Living is an organization committed to serving women who face barriers to independent living. They operate three separate living spaces and a number of programs to provide comprehensive support for women returning to the community after incarceration and those entering recovery during times of crisis. All residents must commit to a six month program in order to enter transitional housing. While a resident of the program, women will be paired with a sponsor and participate in weekly recovery meetings as well as church services. They will also meet with a transition coach who will help them prepare for life after the program. Residents must maintain employment throughout the program or attend an educational institution full-time. Chrysalis Women's Transitional Living requires that all residents agree to random drug testing during their time in the program, as well as adherence to community curfews. For more information or to request space in one of their homes, women can contact the organization directly.