Connections Reentry Guidebook
The Connections Reentry Guidebook is a publication compiled and put forth by the The New York Public Library for formerly incarcerated individuals. The publication was developed in an effort to assist individuals who are reentering the community after incarceration. Staff put together more than 400 pages of information and resources to address the barriers that formerly incarcerated people may face after release. This information is organized into strategic chapters to make accessing information as efficient as possible. Connections Reentry Guidebook offers a comprehensive list of community organizations and resources that offer transitional housing programs, adult literacy and education programs, financial assistance, healthcare and legal services, treatment programs and support for justice involved immigrants. The guidebook also offers resources for specific demographics, including women, the elderly, young people and self-identified LGBTQ individuals. This guidebook is provided to the community free of charge as a digital download. Individuals can also obtain a physical copy of the book from branches of The New York Public Library.