Asian Law Caucus
Asian Law Caucus (ALC) is a legal and civil rights organization that provides free direct legal representation and empowers communities with know-your-rights training and materials in dozens of languages. Through impact litigation, we’re driving systemic change at the local, state, and national levels, from expanding voting rights and workers’ rights to protecting affordable housing and challenging illegal and unjust policies that surveil, detain, and criminalize communities. Asian Law Caucus also push for reforms that diminish the power of the prison-industrial complex, demanding investments in marginalized communities rather than police and the carceral system, challenging police misconduct, and promoting restorative justice as an alternative to punitive approaches in the criminal legal system. ALC advocates for local and state policies that preserve housing, create affordable housing options and decrease inequities in housing and land use. They also engage in community education and outreach. ALC also builds and centers the leadership of directly impacted community members. Through their Yuri Kochiyama fellowship program, formerly incarcerated community members work with organizations, lawmakers and communities to advance and implement legislation at the intersection of criminal justice and immigrant enforcement systems. For more information on the services of the Asian Law Caucus, please contact them directly.