Category: Employment

Are There Resources to Help You After You Get Released From Prison?

Resources help you and your family once you are released. Knowing these resources can help you make a smooth transition out of prison and into the community.


Do Any Companies Emphasize Hiring Formerly Incarcerated People?

There are many companies that look to hire formerly incarcerated people. Some make a point of it. Other companies may not ask about your criminal record as policy. But even companies that hire justice-impacted people sometimes still check your criminal record.


Can Schools and Employers Check Your Criminal History?

When you get released from prison, people might treat you differently. But can schools and employers check your criminal history?


Should I Tell My Employer About Expunged Criminal Record?

If you get your record expunged, you’re bound to ask yourself this question: Should I tell my employer about my expunged criminal record?


Clearing Your Record: Does Expungement Really Work?

If you have a criminal history, you’ve probably thought about trying to clear your record. But does expungement really work?


Can You File a Lawsuit for Criminal Conviction Discrimination?

If you have a record, you might face discrimination in housing, employment and more. Can you sue for criminal conviction discrimination?


What Can You Do to Clear Your Record and Criminal History?

In some cases, you have ways to clear you record. But this isn’t the only option if you want to keep your record private. You can also ask to seal your record. This makes it private for the general public.


Can You Seal Your Criminal Record While You’re Still in Prison?

Most people probably hope to seal their criminal records as soon as possible. You may not be able to do that while you’re in prison, but you can learn the process.


What Are the Differences Between Prison Work and Work Release?

There are more differences than similarities between work release and prison work. They are both jobs and you are in custody in both situations. However, that’s about where the similarities end. There are several important ways in which they are different.


What Is Work Release from Prison, and How Does It Work?

Work release comes in many different forms. Where you are incarcerated, what your crime was and other factors can play a role in how work release looks for you.


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