A New Entry, Inc.
A New Entry (ANE) is a nonprofit substance abuse treatment center that serves individuals suffering from addiction, homelessness, incarceration, trauma and other life circumstances. Their goal is to assist individuals formally involved in the criminal justice system who hope to reintegrate into the community. ANE helps their clients become motivated and productive members of our community, find their true identity outside their past, and move forward to sustained, successful living. The men's residential treatment program utilizes an evidence-based treatment curriculum that focuses on men's issues and addresses multiple elements of recovery. In addition, the men's recovery supportive housing program offers case management, counseling, support groups and structured life skills classes. Similarly, their women's treatment program is an eight-bed facility that provides a personal and safe setting to explore substance abuse issues and how this has impacted them as a women. ANE also serves veterans with mental health, substance abuse and medical care needs.