Adults Can Learn To READ

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Adults Can Learn To READ

Adults Can Learn to READ is a Philadelphia-based grassroots initiative that is dedicated to helping adult non-readers achieve the basic skills needed to cope with the text in their everyday lives. They have created an instructional model that utilizes low-cost materials and is centered around group learning. It uses a decoding program that can be learned and used easily by both teachers and tutors. This program is broken up into chronological sections, leading teachers and tutors from program selection to class structure and tracking student progress. With this Adults Can Learn to READ seek to emphasize teaching strategies surrounding student collaboration and meaningful ways of measuring progress, both of which free the students from the monotony of straight intensive tutoring and give them a variety of ways to practice their developing skills. Their vision is to have this model implemented at various sites around Philadelphia to give those who have previously given up, and those who cannot be adequately served by Adult Basic Education (ABE) and ESL classes, the chance to succeed with their reading. Overall, though, they seek to fill the gap that now exists in adult literacy instruction. Adults Can Learn READ wants their beginning reader students, as quickly as possible, to be able to read well enough to successfully join ABE classes. Contact Adults Can Learn READ directly for more information on their services.

Contact Information

1201 S 51st St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19143

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