Along Side Ministries
Along Side Ministries is a non-profit Christian transition ministry for Christian men and women coming out of prison. The ministry provides spiritual and practical guidance and support to incarcerated Christian men and women as they transition from prison back to the community and the church.​ This organization provides a three-step solution to incarcerated people coming out of Arizona prisons. First, their prison ministry organizes weekly in-prison visits designed to provide counseling, bible study, and fellowship. Their mentors work over a 12-month span to prepare prisoners both mentally and spiritually for a new life upon release. Next, Along Side Ministries offer transformational services to reentering citizens with resources and direction. Lastly, they provide a discipleship program—Life Development. Here, they learn life skills necessary to successfully reintegrate into the society. Additionally, the ministry assists justice-impacted people in finding employment, housing, and maintaining accountability. For more information on their services, please contact Along Side Ministries by accessing the information provided here.