Aspire Austin
Aspire Austin is a residential facility that provides housing and support services to individuals with sex-crime records who are trying to make a fresh start. Services are offered to individuals from other states, Texas counties, or prison. Once an individual is registered with the Austin Police Department’s SOAR (Sex Offender Apprehension and Registration) Unit, the staff will interview the potential participant, take their photograph, and inform them about their treatment options and other residential rules. Later, the resident will participate in a sex offender rehabilitation program such as Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP). Then a supervising officer will refer them to a treatment provider for weekly therapeutic engagement, which may take place at the parole or probation location, therapy office, or other venue. Some assignments must be completed to make progress through treatment. Once the resident has completed the assignments, they will typically graduate from treatment and move to a monthly meeting for aftercare services, which will usually continue during their supervision. Contact Aspire Austin directly to learn more about their services.