Atherton Community Treatment Center

Atherton Community Treatment Center


The Atherton Community Treatment Center is a halfway house that provides housing for males convicted of sex offenses and needing transitional and stabilization support. This program was designed to assist incarcerated people who may not have a place to go when they leave prison, require additional treatment as they transition back into the community, or are struggling and at risk of returning to jail or prison. The Utah Department of Corrections, through Adult Probation and Parole, operates five residential community correctional centers in Utah for incarcerated people who are on probation or who have recently been paroled from prison. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, it was one of two facilities devoted to women who had violated probation or parole conditions and were at risk of being returned to jail or prison. The center is named after a true champion in the criminal justice community — Judge Judith Atherton. Contact the Atherton Community Treatment Center directly to learn more about their specific services.

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