Bartlett Housing Solutions
Bartlett House Solutions is a community-based organization that addresses the problems of homelessness in the Monongalia County, West Virginia area. Bartlett Housing Solutions has an Emergency Triage Shelter to help provide immediate care for those who have recently or unexpectedly experienced homelessness. Special services are offered to those in need or emergency assistance, such as individuals recently released from a corrections facility with no place to stay. Bartlett Housing Solutions offers a transitional housing program that targets and prioritizes two growing and vulnerable subpopulations of people experiencing homelessness: families with children and youth ages 18-24. Although it serves all demographics, priority is given to those in the targeted populations. Once the client is ready to move beyond the transitional housing program, they then move into the Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Program. This community-based program aims to return individuals and families to housing as quickly as possible and provide comprehensive in-home case management for a minimum of one year. Contact Bartlett House Solutions directly for more information on their programs.