Becoming One Community

Becoming One Community


Becoming One Community is a nonprofit organization serving justice involved individuals within Southeast Texas. Their mission is to provide programs, resources, and support for formerly incarcerated individuals to reintegrate successfully into their communities. Becoming One Community offers various programs, services, activities, workshops, seminars, and referrals. The career readiness program assists individuals with employment by offering workshops addressing past mistakes, skills discovery, completing an application, networking, resume development, dressing for success, interviewing, and becoming a model employee. They also host events where participants will be able to network with an audience of potential employers. Their financial empowerment curriculum is a program that allows participants to become financially independent. In addition, this organization assists returning citizens with their housing needs, such as finding felony-friendly housing in the community, low-income housing options and becoming a home-owner. Contact Becoming One Community directly to learn more about their admission process and their available reentry services.

Contact Information

2611 Bisbane Drive Houston, Texas, New York 77014

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