Benedict Center
The Benedict Center provides services and advocacy for women in the criminal justice system so they can live safer, healthier lives for themselves, their children and the community we all share. Our services include community-based counseling for substance use disorders and mental health treatment, reentry support, neighborhood drop-in centers and street outreach. We advocate for a more equitable justice system including public health approaches to substance use, mental illness and trauma instead of criminalization. Their Women’s Harm Reduction Program provides mental health and substance abuse treatment through individual and group counseling for women involved in the criminal justice system. The Benedict Center's Sisters Program helps women in the street-based sex trade find hope and live healthier and safer lives through a harm reduction and housing-first approach. Their Women’s Reentry Program is a voluntary program designed to support women while incarcerated at the Milwaukee County House of Correction and their transition back into the community. The Benedict Center's Justice Advocacy Program advocates for a more equitable justice system including public health approaches to substance use, mental illness and trauma instead of criminalization.