Bethel Outreach Ministries

Bethel Outreach Ministries


Bethel Outreach Ministries is a faith-based organization with limited resources. We provide re-entry assistance to those released from incarceration with various necessities. They help those people who are released from local jails and state prison systems and provide mentoring, housing, transportation, food, tools, clothing and agency referral. You can fill out their application if you fulfill the following criteria: you must have been released from incarceration within the last 6 months, your stay in incarceration being 2 months or more, you have not received help from them in the last month: i.e. help with rent, utilities, deposits, etc, you must attend all meetings you have been ordered to (AA, NA, IOP etc.), you must be willing to accept any job you can get (Labor Ready, fast food etc.) until something better comes along, you must sign a contract stating you have received help from Bethel and will try to pay us back when you get on your feet (no specific time). This allows them to help the next person released. If you providing false or misleading information to them it will result in assistance being denied. Incomplete and/or illegible applications may be immediately denied, too.

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