Black Prisoners’ Caucus

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Black Prisoners’ Caucus

Black Prisoners' Caucus is a social justice organization that creates programs for incarcerated people around education, mental health and other prison issues. Since their inception in 1972, Black Prisoners' Caucus has had a mission to promote cultural growth and provide incarcerated men and women the tools and platform to confront social issues perpetuating discrimination, inequality and oppression among prisoners and poor communities of color. They provide educational activities, create opportunities to learn about and celebrate the history and culture of African American people and work to provide a circle of support that includes spirituality, education, emotional support, healing and lifelong goal setting. BPC also addresses individual accountability and systemic issues that have led to the incarceration of a disproportionate number of African Americans in the state and in this country. In addition, BPC ensures that women and men returning to the community are sufficiently equipped to support themselves, their families and their communities. TEACH is a college program designed by the Black Prisoners' Caucus that prepares students on a path toward achieving an associate's degree through Seattle Central College. Contact Black Prisoners' Caucus to learn more about their programs.

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