Bridges of Iowa, Inc.
Bridges of Iowa, Inc. is a registered nonprofit organization that helps those involved in the criminal justice system as a result of drug-related offenses, to help them reintegrate into society as productive, thriving members of their communities. Their goal is to get qualifying men and women out of jail, free them from addictions, and give them the tools they need to avoid returning to a pattern of substance abuse and crime. The Residential Treatment Program offers group therapy, one-on-one counseling, Health & Wellness sessions, community service, support groups including AA/NA, SMART Recovery and Celebrate Recovery. The Halfway House treatment helps people find and maintain a job by offering offers resume building, interviewing skills and transportation. The outpatient treatment program is offered when clients move out of our residential facility and into their own living arrangements where they continue their treatment at Bridges of Iowa's east village that includes weekly group therapy sessions, monthly individual counseling sessions and compliance with weekly drug testing.