Bridges Reentry
Bridges Reentry is an organization that supports incarcerated women as they exit the correctional system back into the community. Their vision is to uplift women and provide them with the skills necessary to permanently reintegrate after incarceration and maintain sober, independent lives. The mission of Bridges Reentry is center survivors as leaders and mentors to formerly incarcerated women, as well as provide residential and recovery services, financial coaching and life development. Bridges Reentry partners with Thistle Farms residential network to offer communities based on the Thistle Farms model. They also partner with St. Peter's Episcopal Church to provide ministry for incarcerated women and mentorship for formerly incarcerated women. The goal of Bridges Reentry is to reduce recidivism and address the underlying causes of female incarceration in the community. They hope to cut reincarceration rates among women by 25% over the next ten years. Individuals can contact the program through the website or by calling the number listed on the website for more information.