Calumet Transitional Housing Unit
The New Hampshire Department of Corrections (NHDOC) operates a community corrections division that offers various transitional housing units. The Calumnet House is a transitional housing facility, a minimum security corrections facility that houses incarcerated males nearing the end of their sentences with the NHDOC. The purpose of the NHDOC is to improve public safety in New Hampshire by reducing recidivism and by providing safe, secure, compassionate supervision and evidence based rehabilitation. In collaboration with the Family Connections Center (FCC), Calumet Transitional Housing Unit residents have access to the following programming and services: work release, outings, reentry planning, assistance with obtaining official documents, educational/study release, and community level custody. In addition, the Calumet Transitional Housing Unit provides excellent academic services to its prison population, who will learn reading skills, pursue post secondary education, and get employment in vocations. Contact the organization directly using the information on this page for more about a specific program.