C.A.S.A. Recovery Ministries

C.A.S.A. Recovery Ministries


Christian Against Substance Abuse (CASA) Recovery Ministries is a collective of ministry programs supporting individuals in Oklahoma. Their mission is to assist individuals with a fresh state through faith-based mentorship and support. CASA Recovery Ministries' vision is to provide all formerly incarcerated individuals with the support and resources necessary to ensure a successful reentry into the community. The goal is to help break the cycle of recidivism for justice-impacted people around the state. Individuals can request support during incarceration, including bible studies courses, a faith-based recovery program, correspondence with community members, counseling and access to theological educational courses. CASA also provides transitional housing, job development and placement services, treatment programs, educational opportunities, food and clothing pantries for individuals reentering the community after incarceration.

Contact Information

PO Box 19353, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73126

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