Center for Arkansas Legal Services
Center for Arkansas Legal Services (CALS) is a nonprofit law firm that provides free civil legal services to low-income Arkansans. CALS's mission is to defend the legal rights and work for systemic solutions to balance the scales of justice for low-income people and communities. They advocate for low-income Arkansans, protecting their rights to remain in stable housing, ensuring they are receiving the financial and medical benefits they are qualified to receive and helping their families stay safe and together when possible. They cannot help with criminal matters. CALS works with the local justice systems, state administrative agencies, and social service providers, allowing its attorneys to educate each system about the legal effects that its decisions may have on the other systems’ interactions with its clients. A person whose family is struggling with substance use disorder may be eligible to receive a free attorney in civil matters. CALS also provide legal assistance to Veterans. Please visit CALS's website to know more about its services.