Center for Restorative Justice

Center for Restorative Justice


The Center for Restorative Justice (CRJ) is a non-profit organization serving the residents of Bennington County, Vermont. CRJ provides restorative justice programs, education and prevention resources, and intervention services. Through CRJ's community-based programs, individuals help themselves learn from their mistakes, gain new life skills, make amends to their victims, give back to their community, and repair the harm they have caused. The Court Diversion program is a community-based alternative to the formal court process. Court Diversion is a confidential and voluntary program that results in the justice-involved person's record being sealed upon successful completion. The Community Reentry program helps individuals returning to the community from incarceration by providing housing, employment, pro-social leisure activities, transportation, connection to community resources and mentoring. The Juvenile Restorative Probation Program (JRPP) at the CRJ provides restorative justice panels and restitution case management to youth on probation, which allows justice-involved youth to increase their skills and participate in various community activities. Contact the Center for Restorative Justice directly to learn more about their services.

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