Centre, Inc.

Centre, Inc.


Centre, Inc. is a private, nonprofit community-based organization in North Dakota that provides rehabilitative services to individuals working to achieve social reintegration as a cost-effective intermediate sanction, as well as an adjunct to parole and probation supervision. Centre provides safe and secure transitional housing services in facilities located in Fargo, Grand Forks, and Mandan. Individual case management and counseling services are offered to clients to assist with the creation of an individual performance plan. Centre’s Free Through Recovery Care Coordinators assist clients in the Centre’s facilities and in the community. They help women with a history of substance abuse and trauma. The goal is to manage trauma symptoms, utilize healthy coping skills, prevent self-harm, obtain safe supportive peers, identify red flags in relationships, and build self-worth. Centre's Thinking for a Change (T4C) program focuses on problem-solving through social skill development, problem-solving, and cognitive self-change. The Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Substance Abuse (CBISA) program is designed to help those with moderate to high substance abuse concerns. 

Contact Information

PO Box 1269 Fargo, North Dakota 58107

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