Christian Legal Aid of the District of Columbia

Section Title

Christian Legal Aid of the District of Columbia

Christian Legal Aid of the District of Columbia offers vital legal services to indigent clients who may otherwise lack the ability to obtain representation. As a faith-based organization, they believe that Christ compels them to offer support and guidance to individuals affected by the justice system. Through careful and targeted programming, Christian Legal Aid of the District of Columbia translates every $1 donated to their organization into $3 of free legal assistance to clients in need. They provide legal aid clinics at three separate locations across DC, each holding regularly scheduled clinics during which indigent community members and those experiencing a housing crisis can visit to discuss their respective situations. Attorneys offer real time legal advice and, when necessary, can assist individuals with locating long-term representation. Additionally, the organization hosts community workshops that support individuals who are working to obtain government documents. For more information about specific services, contact the organization directly.

Contact Information

907 Maryland Ave NE Washington, District Of Columbia 20002

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