Community Renewal Team, Inc.
Community Renewal Team is an organization that assists formerly incarcerated individuals with recovery during reentry into the community. Their reentry and recovery services support individuals who are exiting the corrections system and returning to the community, Participants receive treatment and support for mental health needs and chemical dependence. Staff members maintain contact with and support individuals during the transition from prison to reduce the likelihood of recidivism and ensure a successful reentry into the community. Community Renewal Team services may include individualized assessment, treatment planning, therapy, drug testing, recovery management, medication monitoring, case management and housing assistance. These services are available in the Hartford community. Staff members speak English and Spanish. Recovery services may include assessment of substance abuse or mental health treatment needs and criminogenic needs; individual and group therapy; supervised drug testing; crisis intervention; treatment planning, care coordination and progress documentation; referral for alternative and/or higher level of care; medication monitoring; psychotherapy; life skills and anger management; recovery management; recovery-oriented vocational services; faith recovery support services; housing assistance; sober housing and intensive case management.