Concordia Parish Correctional Facility RSAT Program
The Concordia Parish Correctional Facility RSAT Program serves currently incarcerated individuals with concurrent issues. The RSAT Program inside the Concordia Parish Correctional Facility is a separate 40-bed unit within a Department of Corrections (DOC) facility. The RSAT Program offers both group and individual therapy for individuals with a diagnosis of co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. The program spans 6 months and is designed for men at the end of their sentence. Men who participate in the program are assessed using the Louisiana Targeted Interventions Gaining Enhanced Reentry (TIGER) model of correctional assessment. Staff complete a biopsychosocial assessment and utilize the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (MAST) and Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) to identify any alcohol and substance use disorders (SUD). Eligible participants must be at the end of their sentence and demonstrate at least a sixth-grade level of comprehension. For more information, contact the organization directly using the information on this page.